Throughout this website there are numerous acronyms used. We hope this list helps you to navigate the content:
Basin | Santa Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Basin |
BMP | Best Management Practices |
County | Santa Cruz County |
CWD | Central Water District |
DWR | California Department of Water Resources |
GSA | Groundwater Sustainability Agency |
GSP | Groundwater Sustainability Plan |
JPA | Joint Powers Agreement |
MGA | Santa Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Agency |
PV Water | Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency |
RCD | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County |
SCWD | City of Santa Cruz Water Department |
SGMA | Sustainable Groundwater Management Act |
SMC | Sustainable Managment Criteria |
SMGWA | Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency |
SqCWD | Soquel Creek Water District |
SWRCB | State Water Resources Control Board |
ACWA | Association of California Water Agencies |
WASC | Water Supply Advisory Committee |