Groundwater is a vital resource. Together, let's protect it.
Community involvement is very important to the MGA and its governing bodies: the City and County of Santa Cruz, Central Water District, and Soquel Creek Water District. The MGA sought community engagement throughout the development of the GSP. With the submission of the GSP to DWR, the focus of the MGA has now shifted to GSP implementation.
Ongoing Community Involvement: Community involvement is evolving but may include outreach events in the future. To stay current on MGA activities, please join our subscriber list to receive periodic news e-blasts from the MGA, or continue to check the MGA website for recent news and opportunities. Thanks for your interest and involvement!
Private Well Representatives on the MGA: Since 1995, private well representatives have been included in discussions and oversight on groundwater management activities. In 2015, the Soquel-Aptos Groundwater Management Committee (SAGMC) expanded private well representation to three seats on the board. The MGA board of directors continued that tradition by including three private well representatives on their board of directors as well. Click here to learn more about the private well reps and other members of the Board of Directors.
Mid-County Groundwater Stakeholder Meetings: Beside the three appointed private well representatives on the MGA, we have also been holding regular community stakeholder engagement meetings. These meetings are open to the public-at-large and everyone (private well owners, water utility customers, etc.) are invited to attend! These meetings are intended to educate all of our water using community and to gather public input which will help guide our planning and our actions. Click here to access meeting materials and more information.
Previous Community Involvement Activites: Throughout the Development of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan the MGA conducted extensive community outreach. Activities that have been completed include bi-monthly drop-ins, the GSP Advisory Committee, and the Groundwater Orientation Series.